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Trade-In Your Furniture

Do you want to upgrade your chic interior without creating waste? We NOW offer a trade-in program for our solid wood furniture which you purchased at EMOH®! Our trade-in program is simple. You just need to drop us an email with photos clearly showing the condition of the furniture. Our team will get back to you after the estimation. Wanna learn more details? Please check out the procedure below.
搬屋最煩係處理舊傢俬?驚買左傢俬返黎,過兩年唔岩用?翻新屋企想換傢俬,但又驚掉左舊傢俬好唔環保? EMOH 嘅傢俬大多數用實木制造,壽命其實相對比較長,一般都可以用上十年八載,如果保養得好,更可以用過世,其實相對環保。但同時,我地都明白有時未必係件傢俬爛左要換,而係細屋換大屋、多左小朋友、又或者想換下屋企嘅風格。故此,我地決地推出「以舊換新」回收計劃,延續 EMOH 傢俬 嘅生命,希望唔使去左堆填區。 回收左返黎嘅傢俬,我地會進行番新,再以回收價賣俾其他有需要嘅人。

Trade In Your Used Furniture

「以舊換新」 回收計劃

Four steps to upgrade your furniture

Step 1 Email
Send us an email at with detailed photos of the used furniture. We will have an estimation of the trade-in offer based on the photos you sent.
Step 2 Deposit
If you are happy with the offer, deposit HKD200 for an on-site inspection. Our inspector will examine the item(s) on-site and finalise the offer.
Step 3 Return
If you agree with the offer, our inspector will pack the item(s) immediately on the same day and return the items to our warehouse. If you reject our final offer, the $200 deposit would not be refunded.
Step 4 Voucher
EMOH® will issue vouchers to you after the item(s) are returned. You can use the vouchers to purchase any of our products that are the same price or higher within 1 year.
Trade-in offer would be 10-30% of the original purchase price. Photos you sent may not reflect the real condition of the items, hence, on-site inspection is needed for final offer.
Terms and Conditions: a) The deposit is non-refundable but it will be included in your trade-in purchase. b) EMOH will reserve the right for the trade-in offer. c) Any upholstered items are excluded in this program.

 EMOH 提供回收傢俬服務,我們回收傢俬後會重新整理及番新傢俬,或捐給有需要人士。

Furniture Inspired by Nature
nature defines beauty